Green Friday 2022

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Humii's contribution to Green Friday

Humii's contribution to Green Friday

In 2022, team humii performed our first ever Shopathon. For us this involved calling on our Australia-wide network of online shoppers to perform 1000 anonymous shops across almost 150 participating Green Friday retailers in four days. A mammoth logistical effort by anyones standards!

But why?
When we first heard about Green Friday our team was collectively blown away by the concept. We'd already been working on our Green Score for some time and it quickly became clear this was an incredible opportunity to apply all of our knowledge to a much wider audience in a short period of time. Better yet, an audience already biased towards sustainable action. We needed to be involved!

So how does humii help?
For retailers, gaining real, unbiased customer feedback is incredibly difficult at the best of times (this is why humii exists!) and this problem only compounds when it comes to sustainability - it's simply not a topic most business can easily broach with their customers without being prepared for some criticism.

And so it went - 1000 shops, 1000 unique perspectives, 150 retailers, four days. What better way for these businesses to truly understand how effectively their sustainability initiatives are connecting with consumers.

All of humii's feedback is proudly independent, unbiased, completely confidential and designed to help retailers better understand and improve customer experience.

What we measured

Humii's network of shoppers assessed Green Friday retailer across 20 key data points covering seven themes of sustainability in ecommerce.

Evaluates the quality and communication of a retailer's sustainability commitment
Diversity of the websites imagery, including body type, gender & cultural representation of models
Community Engagement
Looks for specific commitments or initiatives from the retailer that provide social or community benefit
Supply Chain
Considers transparency of product supply chains including location of production and origin of materials
Visibility into product attributes, why they are sustainable, participation in material certification programs
Looks at the availability of environmentally-considerate shipping options such as carbon offset
How authentic and genuine are the retailers sustainability efforts perceived